Sustainable Deliveries for a Better World

According to the World Economic Forum, emissions from last mile deliveries are on track to increase up to 30% by 2030. Our emission-free delivery options provide businesses with an easy-to-deploy solution to address this problem. We are just one part of a global effort to bring real, sustainable change and we’re committed to playing that part well. As a certified B Corporation, we maintain the highest standard of environmental performance, social governance, public transparency and legal accountability.

As a proud B-Corp, we’ve committed to going net zero by 2030, 20 years ahead of the goal set by the Paris Agreement. We’ve signed a legally-binding commitment to conduct business with consideration for the environment and all stakeholders, not just shareholders.

Supporting the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Making Cities Inclusive, Safe, Resilient & Sustainable

We pledge our support and commit to actively work towards the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our ambition is a solution with a direct positive impact on "Sustainable Transport" and "Sustainable cities and human settlements" under SDG Goal 11.

What We're Doing

From our Head Office to our Urb-it Community, we’re all working to make our cities greener and our planet safer. As a certified B Corp, we think we have a responsibility to lead by example. That’s why we’re committed to corporate social responsibility and taking accountability for the effects we have on this planet.

Making Cities Cleaner

We’re part of the non-profit Clean Air Villages project. Along with other businesses and communities in five London boroughs, we’re working hard to reduce emissions in 10 hotspots of poor air quality. We’re utilising our super-efficient, green operations to do our part in making London safer.

Measuring our Impact

We believe in corporate social responsibility. But it’s not just a buzzword or label for us – we think businesses should be accountable for the effects they have on our society and the planet.

Reducing Our Carbon
Footprint, and Yours

Our eco-friendly green vehicle fleet reduces CO2 emissions, congestion and noise pollution making our cities cleaner and more liveable. With end-to-end sustainability and zero-emission last miles, we’re on a mission to transform logistics, sustainably.

Fair Wages & Equal Opportunities

The Urb-it Community made up of dedicated Couriers are our beating heart. That’s why we commit to paying all members of the community a fair wage. Couriers are paid in line with the national wage.

Modern Day Slavery Act

Eliminating modern day slavery requires every business to take responsibility. At Urb-it, we are committed to ensuring there is no slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business, including our supply chain. We also work with like-minded clients who share our stance on modern day slavery. Read our stance.

Operating Ethically

We take pride in the way Urb-it operates. That’s why we’re open and straightforward with information relating to performance, revenue and our internal process. We are firm believers that transparency is essential for ethical operating – and that it’s critical in building trust with partners.

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